Why we needed Trump
It’s much like the story of the two wolves, the good wolf and the bad. The grandfather explains to his grandson the inner human condition and conflict of your good vs your evil. The child asks which wolf will win? And so the grandfather answers with; the one that you choose to feed.
Trump is the metaphor for the human condition that is the bad wolf that sits on your little shoulder. While the good wolf sits there patiently waiting to be fed, that bad one moans and barks and weeps to be seen, heard and fed first. We as a collective human race have been actively feeding our bad wolf, and so we are exposed to ourselves, our own inner beasts. It is terrifying to look at yourself and realise those Trumpy parts of you, your own biases, your racist or bigoted thoughts that you carry through your socialisation, through your life blindly until they are thrust upon you.
But, will you choose to continue to feed that wolf or will you turn to the light that is within you, that glowing good wolf, ready to rise up? Are you ready to question yourself? To learn? To listen?
We needed Trump to remind us… that there is always a bad wolf that sits on our shoulder, and it is our own choice to continue to feed that little festering pest or to look at it, tell it to shut up, sit down and to choose to feed our good wolf.
We needed Trump to galvanise the masses into social and political movements. From the inauguration women’s marches to now, we needed Trump to remind us of what a kind of a collective good wolf we want to feed, what kind of future we want for our children and their children.
What will our humanity look like?
We needed Trump to remind us that science tells us only what it sees and that climate changing over time is what it sees. That climate change is not a choice of belief but in fact, an actual thing that is happening due to the way humans behave on the planet.
Ummmm, sorry, say that again for the people in the back?
We needed Trump to tell us all, to simply go to the movies when we feel angry because you know what, blindly being entertained by the mass media, is in fact what we all need, all the time. K thanks bye, off to watch Borat.
We needed Trump to redefine the framing and the ownership of this deep and purposeful concept, to “grab ’em by the pussy.” This new term is coined and completely removes the need for the ideology of “grow some balls.” We now know the true meaning of our pussy power, we’ve seen it in action and we’ve certainly grabbed ourselves by our pussy’s to move, to organise and to boldly choose to feed our good wolves of collective vulva power.
We needed Trump to remind us that religion has always been used to divide people but as people we can choose to come together in many faiths, without a faith and still work alongside one another, recognising difference as strength.
But literally, we needed Trump to remind us that The Simpson are always, and I mean ALWAYS right. I’ll just leave this here.
We needed Trump to be reminded that there is absolutely 100% no need at all, ever to be a billionaire. That is capitalism gone wrong. The spread of wealth is imperative to end poverty in the world to drive real, lasting change that enables all people to have opportunity, over and above the bare minimum of pure survival. The ability for just about 2000 people to own more than 60% of the entire global population is just plain stupid or the ability for 22 men to own more than all women in Africa seems outrageous (Ratcliff & Thériault 2020).
We needed Trump to remind us that humour will get us through. And through it all, at least we can laugh at ourselves, laugh at each other and laugh because sometimes it’s all we can do to stop ourselves from crying, no weeping.
We needed Trump to remind us that, Inshallah — our love, acceptance and kindness to brothers and sisters of all creeds, religions, ethnic backgrounds, cultures and colours is what makes the world go round.
We needed Trump to remind us that gender is a spectrum and no matter where you are on that spectrum you’re awesome and you’re a human and not only will your vote be counted but you are a leader.
Mauree Turner, non-binary, Muslim person elected in Oklahoma 2020.
We needed Trump to remind us that gay rights and trans rights are human rights and there is nothing more bold and fierce than rocking a rainbow and dancing your butt off in arseless chaps at Mardi Gras.
We needed Trump to remind us that what lies ahead is leadership from the front by a Black, Indian woman, married to a Jewish man. That this badass is what the world wanted and alongside her across the globe the governing with the growth of matriarchal leadership has only just begun. (Shivers)
Kamala Harris
Jacina Ardern
Angela Merkel
Sheikh Hasina Wajed
Simonetta Sommaruga
Erna Solberg
Bidhya Devi Bhandari
Aung San Suu Kyi
Mazeltov mofos.
Ratcliff, A & Thériault, A 2020, World’s billionaires have more wealth than 4.6 billion people, Oxfam, UK.